our emotions are meant to be felt

4 min readJun 17, 2024


Inside Out 2 (2024)

I used to ignore my emotions. Like many people, I thought that only happiness and positivity were worth feeling. I believed that by ignoring sadness, anger, or fear, I could somehow make them disappear. But over time, I learned that this approach only led to more stress and confusion. It wasn’t until I embraced the full range of my emotions that I truly began to understand myself and live more authentically.

The movie perfectly illustrates how our emotions are meant to be felt, even the hard ones. The introduction of new emotions in the story reminded me of my own journey, where unexpected feelings often caught me off guard. It’s a powerful reminder that it’s okay to feel what we need to feel. Emotions are not there to be controlled or ignored. They exist to be acknowledged and understood.

For so long, I bought into the idea that only positive emotions were valid. Society often tells us to be happy and stay positive, but the truth is, it’s just as important to embrace our sadness, our anger, and our fears. These emotions are a part of our human experience, and acknowledging them is a crucial step toward healing and growth.

I remember times when I tried to suppress my feelings. I thought that by not acknowledging my sadness or anger, I could somehow avoid pain. But in reality, those emotions only grew stronger and began to control me. When I finally allowed myself to experience these feelings fully, I found that I could navigate through them and come out stronger on the other side.

“You are not the voice in your head; you’re the one who listens to it.” This distinction was a game-changer for me. I often mistook my inner voice — those critical, doubting, or fearful thoughts — as my true self. But the real me is the one who hears these thoughts, the observer of my life.

When I reflected on this idea, it transformed my perspective. I realized that by not questioning the validity of my inner voice, I was giving it power over my emotions and actions. Recognizing that I am the listener, not the voice, allowed me to reclaim my power. I began to choose how to respond to my thoughts and emotions, rather than being ruled by them.

This lesson became especially important during difficult times. When I faced hardships, my inner voice often became loud with negativity and fear. But by remembering that I am the listener, I could step back, observe my emotions, and allow myself to feel without judgment. This new perspective helped me move through my challenges with greater resilience and compassion for myself.

It teaches us that all our emotions are essential parts of who we are. They guide us, teach us, and make us human. By embracing every emotion, we honor our true selves and live more authentically. So, the next time you feel overwhelmed by your feelings, remember: that it’s okay to feel what you need to feel. You are not your inner voice; you are the one who listens, the observer of your beautiful, complex life. Embrace every emotion and let them guide you through your journey.

Each day brings its own set of emotions. Some days, joy fills our hearts with light and laughter. Other days, sadness might take over, making us feel heavy and introspective. Then there are days filled with anger, fear, or even a mix of emotions that we can’t quite untangle. It’s in these moments that we must remind ourselves that it’s okay to feel whatever comes our way.

I’ve found that when I let myself feel deeply, whether it’s joy, sadness, or anger, I learn something new about myself. Those moments of deep sadness, for instance, have often led to profound personal growth and understanding. Anger, when acknowledged and expressed healthily, has helped me stand up for myself or make necessary changes in my life.

Fear, too, has its place. It can protect us from harm and push us to prepare for challenges. Even feelings of shame or guilt can lead us to reflect on our actions and strive to do better. Every emotion has a role, and by embracing them all, we become more in tune with ourselves.

“You are not the voice in your head; you’re the one who listens to it.” This idea encourages us to be kind to ourselves. Our inner voice can often be harsh and critical, but we have the power to listen with compassion and understanding. By doing so, we can transform our relationship with our emotions and ourselves.

Life is a journey filled with a wide range of emotions, and each one contributes to our growth and understanding. Embrace your emotions, feel them fully, and let them guide you. Remember, you are the listener, the observer of your life’s story. And in this role, you have the power to navigate your emotions with grace, creating a life that’s authentically and beautifully yours.

Our emotions are there to be felt, even the difficult ones. It’s perfectly fine to feel whatever you need to feel.

