The Art of Letting Go

4 min readJun 29, 2024


Letting go. Two words that seem so simple yet carry the weight of an entire universe when they involve someone we deeply care about. I’ve often wondered why letting go feels like standing at the edge of a vast, empty chasm, staring into the unknown. Why do we hold on so tightly to people who no longer want to stay? What makes the idea of releasing them so terrifying, even when we know it’s the right thing to do?

I used to believe that letting go was the hardest part. I thought that once I managed to loosen my grip and say goodbye, the rest would fall into place. But I’ve learned that the real challenge lies in moving forward. Moving forward means facing each new day without the comforting presence of the one we love, finding our way through life without their guiding hand. It’s waking up and realizing that they are not coming back, that the plans and dreams we shared are no longer a part of our future.

There’s an irony in this process of letting go. When we finally release the hope that keeps us tethered to the past, we begin to feel a sense of freedom. No longer do we have to worry about their opinions or seek their validation. We can start building the life we want, pursuing our dreams and desires without the constant need to check in with them. We no longer have to prove ourselves to someone who has chosen a different path. Yet, this relief is scary. It feels like stepping into a world where the rules have changed, where the safety net has vanished.

So, why do we resist this freedom? Why does the prospect of finally getting over it fill us with so much fear? I think it’s because letting go means embracing uncertainty. It means acknowledging that we don’t know what comes next, that the future is an open book with blank pages waiting to be filled. And as much as this can be exhilarating, it is equally daunting. We are creatures of habit, after all, and change, even for the better, can be terrifying.

We cannot fight for someone who does not want us in their life. It’s a harsh reality but one we must accept if we are to find peace. Learning to sit with this uncertainty, to live with the possibility that they may never return, is crucial. Imagining reconciliations or replaying every moment in our minds won’t help us move forward. Instead, we must let it be done in our hearts and keep our lives open to new possibilities without fixating on any specific outcome. If it is meant to be, it will flow back into our lives effortlessly.

“Do you feel ashamed when you hear my name?

Anyway, don’t be a stranger.”

The song captures the essence of what it means to let go while still holding onto the memories. It teaches us that even as we move forward, the past remains a part of us. But we don’t have to let it define our future. We can honor the memories while embracing new possibilities.

Letting go isn’t the end; it’s a new beginning. It’s about finding the courage to face the unknown, to trust that something better awaits. We don’t have to prove ourselves to anyone anymore. We are free to be who we truly are, to live our lives without fear or hesitation.

So, take a deep breath and let go. Trust that the universe has a plan for you. Embrace the uncertainty, and allow yourself to move forward. It may be scary, but it’s also exhilarating. And one day, you’ll look back and realize that letting go was the best thing you ever did. And in the end, you’ll find that you are stronger, wiser, and more resilient than you ever imagined.

Letting go is not about erasing the past or forgetting what once was. It’s about making peace with it, about acknowledging the love we felt and the lessons we learned. It’s about understanding that true love doesn’t lead us on only to let us go; it holds us tight and makes us stay. And one day, we will come to realize this.

It gets better; it will get better little by little, day by day. I will forever look up to what we could’ve been. But I will also look forward, embracing the freedom that comes with letting go, ready to build a new life on my own terms. The art of letting go is not in the release itself but in the strength to keep moving forward.

